To develop the right test solution, a combination of different considerations must be made. To do it properly one needs to consider:

  • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Development Resources
  • Project Complexity
  • Scalability
  • Domain Expertise
  • Support
  • Reliability

In this whitepaper, we explore each item to provide clarity on the best next steps to move forward in your test project.

Cover of the whitepaper - The Path to the Perfect Test Solution



Decision-makers can simplify and rationalize the decision to outsource or design in-house by applying basic supply chain principles – that is, by defining the core competencies that are needed and determining who possesses those competencies.
This article digs deeper into this process.

Not what you are looking for?

See these other examples of our advanced Test, Measurement and Quality solutions.

cover for the video on derisking the supply chain

Validation as a Service

Watch this video to see how you can rely on us to de-risk your supply chain.


Don't Wait to Automate

Here are 5 good reasons to implement test automation sooner than later.

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Test & Quality Expertise

Sneak a peek at our latest automation, vision, precision assembly, and robotics systems!