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A.I. and Human-Like Inspection: Paving the Way for the Future of Manufacturing

Considerations and challenges in the integration of A.I. for better quality. Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is one of the most future-oriented and promising innovations of our time. Companies are increasingly...
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5 Reasons Automated Vision Inspection Serves your Bottom Line

Flawless Inspection has a Big Payoff… It’s time to put all the cards on the table. There are thousands of companies out there creating life-changing products; would these medical device, automotive and ...
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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle = Regenerate

♻️♻️♻️ More industries like automotive and EV, energy production, industrial applications and others are switching to greener pastures. Whatever the motivation, be it a government imposition, a financial...
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The Future of Warehouse Robots

The Droids are Pushing Us Forward The Star Wars bar scene feels much closer to home when you consider how many co-workers are in fact robots. Industries and functions for robots are broadening and the...
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Let’s get into Hyperautomation

Time for Lights Out Automation is without a doubt the hottest commodity available for manufacturing today. There are dozens of related tools, names, acronyms, and theories all centered around it and how to...
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The Prevention Intention

Make preventive maintenance work for you. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire…but wouldn’t it be great to fix the problem before the house burns down? That is the concept behind planned preventive maintenance...
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Why Choose PXI...Notes from a Test Integrator

Getting to know the standard. The PXI is the whole package for automation and measurement. Combining high performance in a low-cost deployment platform, it has become one of the most common instrumentation...
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How to Improve Your Testing Efficiency

When is the last time you looked at your current test setup and thought about changing things up? They say, if it isn’t broken don’t fix it… but that doesn’t mean one should ignore something that can be...
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It is Time to Automate EV Test

Automated testing delivers fast, reliable, and repeatable results for EV power component manufacturing. It is easy to select any and all of the tests your application requires including safety, functional, and...
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4 Strategies for Better Medical Manufacturing

The QA processes for medical products have always been more specific and stringent than other industries. Obviously, the health impact on the end user is the key consideration, but depending on the product...
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