What Does Software-Defined Instrumentation Bring to Test Engineering?

Software-defined instrumentation is the ultimate challenge resolver. The reason it is beloved by test engineers, is that it can face any task and change on a dime. With the always increasing complexity of...
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Success in Global Testing

De-Silofy with Standardization There is one thing that every company has in common. This applies to every industry in every country across the world. No matter what, working in silos will never produce the...
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8 Ways Machine Vision (and Learning) will Bulletproof your Brand

An Insider's View into Machine Vision Man versus machine has been an ongoing question for hundreds of years. Today it has become a necessary not-so evil. Courtesy of man’s (and woman’s) innovations, the ...
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A Virtual Road in an Augmented Time

The Gift of Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality The stars seemed to have aligned to make now the right time to really dig in to virtual, augmented, or mixed reality. It is a wild time, and nothing seems more...
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Manufacturing Through a Pandemic

A Year into COVID-19. This past year is incomparable to any other time anyone has experienced. It is the first time all facets of life are deeply affected on a global scale. While the general population have...
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Is this the End of the Internal Combustion Engine?

R.I.P.-I.C.E: 1872 - 2030? In 2021, planet Earth is truly at a tipping point. Sir David Attenbrough points out in his latest documentary that the world has been overrun by humans, to the detriment of nature....
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Setting the Standard of Test

Every project is special, just like a person! And like people, just because something is unique, that does not mean it does not include similarities to others. By recognizing commonalities in different...
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4 Strategies for Better Medical Manufacturing

The QA processes for medical products have always been more specific and stringent than other industries. Obviously, the health impact on the end user is the key consideration, but depending on the product...
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The Automotive Test Track

Join us on the fast track to get your automotive project out the door and at the highest standards.
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Why are FPGAs Perfect for Virtual Reality Applications?

FPGAs are beloved. They have offered astonishingly effective solutions for very complex test scenarios. This is courtesy of their flexibility, their lower cost, and their incredible parallelism. These...
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