What Is a Feasibility Study and Why Do You Need One?

Leave Risky Business in the 80s.

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Updated: March 2025

Every day we take risks that are unavoidable. We live in a world where fate is often out of our hands. By nature, we do what we can to minimize these risks. We wear seatbelts, eat our vegetables, buy things from trustworthy sources.

In business, the same rules apply. There will always be elements that are out of our control, but there are measures we can take to ensure we are making the best decisions and going in the right direction when undergoing a new adventure.

Facing the Unknown

In a world where technology changes faster than you can change your mind, sticking with the status quo is often detrimental. Let’s face it, change can be scary. That being said, it is a lot easier to manage change when you understand what’s in it for you. When designing a test system for your product, you need to cover all of your bases. Frequently, there are many considerations that are forgotten simply due to the fact that it is a challenge you have never faced before.

To better understand how efficiency will improve through a test equipment upgrade, a feasibility study is a simple solution. This is an opportunity for your team to take a step back and work with experts to get a complete overview of the ideal test set-up for your product and find the most cost-effective strategy to execute.

Through this study, you will be able to map out an accurate timeline to measure improved product results and return on investment (ROI).

No Stone Left Unturned

Regardless of whether you are working with Embedded Systems, Robotics, Machine Vision or general Test & Measurement, a feasibility study can answer all the questions you may not have known needed to be asked. Some typical examples are:

  1. How would your system become smarter over time?
  2. How does interference influence the system behavior?
  3. What accuracy and speed can be achieved?
  4. How does sensor behavior affect my measurements?
  5. Is it as good as or better than our sharpest human operator?

Seasoned Travelers

Over the years, Averna has participated in countless feasibility studies, and has already faced the bumps in the road so you don’t have to. Working together all bases are covered, reducing your risk exponentially.

Averna will sit down with your team to determine where it is you need to go and how to get there. By collecting your data, samples and experience, we can tell you upfront what results will be attainable and how to get you there. At the end of a feasibility study, you will walk away with a roadmap to the most optimized test setup for your business. This includes having the option to continue with Averna or shop around.

Hitting the road less traveled can be an adventure, but in business it is always better to be prepared. A feasibility study is a compass, a map and snack along the way.