How can Medical Device OEMs keep up with the accelerated need for innovation?

Traditionally, medical device OEMs have had all the expertise they needed to develop, validate, manufacture and support medical devices. Currently, the IoT revolution brings many challenges for them. In the...
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LVFPGA: The Optimized Reset

FPGA's are powerful tools in most every high-tech industry, including test and measurement. In the last decade, the presence of application specific FPGA code in testing applications as gone from rare to...
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Is Automated Test the Right Approach for Your Company?

One of the biggest decisions business leaders need to make when starting out on the introduction of a new product is whether to invest in automated test. The cost of setting up an automated test system, while...
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First Pass Unit Testing of DSP Algorithms, the Candy Stripe Approach

I love math. There is such a beauty in the non-subjective way that there can be only 1 right answer. I'm enjoying teaching my children that there are many ways to tackle a problem and all result in the same...
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How are Robotics and Automation changing Medical Device Production?

Automation and robotics essentially take the human out of the loop in production environments, which improves repeatability and reduces variability. For example, automation ensures every test procedure,...
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Creating Modular LVFPGA Code

This post will attempt to cover many key aspects of creating modular LVFPGA code. This can be a very lengthy topic. Instead of trying to create a single all-inclusive post, this one will cover some high level...
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Say Cheese!

New Assembly Processes Put Cameras in the Spotlight Remember when cameras were these bulky objects that you had to carry around? Sure those vintage cameras seem romantic now, but try taking one on your next...
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How is the Internet of Things (IoT) transforming the medical world?

The Internet of Things, or IoT colloquially, is working its way slowly but surely into primary medical care, patient medical records, as well as medical devices. Connectivity, patient lifestyle improvements,...
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A Long Way From Your Grandpa’s Old Jalopy!

Electronic Innovations are making today’s cars smarter by the minute It was probably unimaginable when the first Fords rolled off the assembly line back in 1913 that not only would the automotive industry...
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Test Engineering Improves Products and Processes and here are 7 Reasons why!

Much like other engineering disciplines, test engineering focuses on in-depth analysis and methodical processes that produce high-quality results. Where civil engineers design, build and maintain...
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