Getting Started with Python: The Glossary

A quick lookup guide for beginners 👀

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Learning to code is the most effective way to stay ahead of technology. Regardless of the device, there is a sea of source code out there, making it work. These days, the popularity of Python keeps growing. Python is a programming language that was designed to keep your goals clear and concise, and as such keeps coding simple. That said, nothing is easy when you don’t speak the same language (pun intended 😉). With that in mind, to get started, here are the most common terms used by Pythonistas and their purpose.

Term Definition
Agile  An approach to software development that focuses on flexibility and collaboration.
Attribute  A characteristic of an object.
Boolean  A data type that has one of two possible values (True or False).
Branch  A separate line of development in a repository.
Class  A blueprint for creating objects that define properties and methods.
Commit  A quick view of changes made to the repository.
Conditional Statement  A statement that executes actions based on whether a condition is True or False.
Continuous Integration (CI)  The practice of regularly merging small code changes into a shared repository, which automatically triggers automated builds and tests.
Data Type  Classification of data that determines the operations that can be performed.
Decorator  A design pattern in Python used to modify the behavior of functions or methods.
Dependency  A requirement for a Python package to function correctly.
Dictionary  A collection of key-value pairs.
Encapsulation  Bundling data and methods that operate on that data into a single unit (class).
Exception  An error that occurs during execution.
Float  A number with a decimal point.
Function  A block of code that performs a specific task.
Generator  A function that produces a sequence of results on-demand, one at a time. This makes them memory-efficient for handling large datasets and avoids creating the entire sequence upfront.
Git  A  version control system used to track changes in source code.
Indentation  The spaces used to define blocks of code.
Inheritance  The ability for one class to inherit attributes and methods from another.
Integer  A whole number without decimals.
Integration Test  Testing multiple units together to ensure they work as expected.
Interpreter  Software that translates code into readable instructions.
Iterable  An object capable of returning its members one at a time.
Iterator  An object used to iterate over an iterable.
Lambda Function  An anonymous function defined using the lambda keyword.
List Comprehension  An efficient way to create lists in Python.
List  A collection of items in a specific order, which is liable to change.
Loop  A statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly.
Merge  Combining changes from different branches.
Method  A function associated with a class.
Module Import  Bringing external modules or packages into a script using the import statement.
Module  A file containing code that can be reused in other programs.
Object  An example of a class.
Package  A collection of modules.
pip  Python's package installer, used to install, uninstall, and manage Python packages.
Polymorphism  The ability for an object to take several forms, often achieved through method overriding or method overloading.
Pull Request  A request to fetch and merge changes into the local branch of a repository.
Python  A high-level programming language known for its simplicity and readability.
Recursion  A programming technique where a function calls itself in its definition.
Repository  The storage location where version-controlled source code is kept.
Scrum  An agile framework for managing software development projects. This involves iterative development cycles which are called sprints.
String  A sequence of characters between quotation marks, for example "version 2.0". It can include letters, numbers and special characters.
Syntax  Rules that define the structure of the code.
Try-except Block  A structure used to handle exceptions.
Tuple  An ordered collection of items, which is unchanging.
Unit Test  Testing individual units of a software application.
Variable  A named storage location in memory for data.
Version Control  Managing changes to code over time.
Virtual Environment  A self-contained directory containing an installation for a particular version, plus a number of additional packages.

For any questions on Python or software development, please contact Averna.

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