Sewing A Solution with Digital Thread

Image of a Smart Factory

Real power doesn’t come in muscles, status or even hierarchy. Real power, the kind of power that can produce substantial change is information and data. Not just information alone, mind you, it’s data that can be understood and acted upon. Herein lies the value of digital twins.

In this fourth Industrial Revolution, smart factories are levering smart assets and providing the equally smart humans miles and miles of digital thread. This information is not just what decision makers can use to make the right calls for the future, but if it’s being read properly, it is telling people where to put their focus right now.

It is imperative that the assets connecting a production line are running as flawlessly as the product that is being manufactured. Otherwise, how can there be any confidence that the product is being delivered as promised? Through machine-learning and the tracking of both end-products and assets, the factory is constantly communicating its status in real-time. If you are speaking the same language as your data not only will quality increase but high, unanticipated costs can be seamlessly averted.

For more information on what you need to know about Digital Twins, read our full article on the LiveWorx Blog: https://www.liveworx.com/blog/sewing-a-solution-with-digital-thread.


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Witness the power of what the right Smart Data Management tool can accomplish in our video: Better Data Analytics for Smart Factories and Industry 4.0.