Test the Future to Create the Future

In order to ensure that your product receives the highest quality testing, you need a dedicated team behind it. Your products will benefit from the skills of a wide range of test specialists who will make sure that all of your device’s testing needs are satisfied with the best solution expertise and capacity offerings on the market.

At Averna, one of our specialties is testing products that are not yet in the market. Our global presence draws from an international pool of talent – from Montreal to North Carolina to California to Mexico to Europe – that ensures diverse expertise and knowledge. Working at Averna includes opportunities to collaborate with SMEs worldwide to develop best-in-class testing processes.

Our Senior System Designer Freddy Kuong is a perfect example of the calibre of expertise that Averna has to offer. With a background in system engineering and a B.A. in computer science, this Peruvian native has the opportunity to put his extensive skillset to maximum use every day, liaising with clients to determine their needs, defining their product requirements, proposing solutions and then effectively communicating this information to developers, who in turn create the precise solutions that our clients require.

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