Medical Manufacturing: The Glossary

Have you ever wondered what all of those acronyms mean?


The ins and outs of the medical industry are complicated enough as it is. Understanding the science, the different technologies, and the regulations required to get a product to market is already a full plate. By throwing word abbreviations into the mix, it adds a whole new level of difficulty. To simplify one aspect of medical manufacturing, here is a glossary to help translate some of the industry’s most common acronyms. To simplify the other aspects of medical manufacturing, unfortunately a blog post won’t do it (But an Averna Engineer will)!

510(k) - Premarket Notification HSE - Health and Safety Executive
AIMDD - Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive IDE - Investigational Device Exemption
ANDA - Abbreviated New Drug Application IQ - Installation Qualification
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials ISO - International Organization for Standardization
BOM - Bill of Materials; IVD - In Vitro Diagnostic
CAD - Computer-Aided Design IVDD - In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive
CAM - Computer-Aided Manufacturing IVDR - In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation
CAPA - Corrective and Preventive Action MDD - Medical Devices Directive
CE - Conformité Européenne MDQMS - Medical Device Quality Management System
CEP - Certificate of Suitability of Monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia MDR - Medical Devices Regulation
CNC - Computer Numerical Control MEDDEV - Medical Device Guidelines;
DHF - Design History File MRP - Material Requirements Planning
DHR - Device History Record NB - Notified Body
DICOM - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine NDA - New Drug Application
DMR - Device Master Record NHS - National Health Service
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
EDQM - European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare NMPA - National Medical Products Administration (formerly CFDA)
EHR - Electronic Health Record OQ - Operational Qualification
EMA - European Medicines Agency OTC - Over-the-Counter
EMR - Electronic Medical Record PACS - Picture Archiving and Communication System
EN - European Norm PMA - Pre-market Approval
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
EUDAMED - European Database on Medical Devices PQ - Performance Qualification
EudraLex - Collection of rules and regulations governing medicinal products in the European Union. QA - Quality Assurance
EUDRAVIGILANCE - European Pharmacovigilance Database QC - Quality Control
FDA - Food and Drug Administration QMS - Quality Management System
FMEA - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis QSR - Quality System Regulation
GDP - Good Distribution Practice RFID - Radio Frequency Identification
GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
GSPR - General Safety and Performance Requirements UDI - Unique Device Identification
HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points V&V - Verification and Validation


For questions on developing a MedTech test solution, please contact Averna.


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